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Virtual Consultation

CBD & Endocannabinoid Support Training

A deep dive into the potential benefits cannabis could provide pets

45 min
195 US dollars

Consultation Details

Nearly everyone has become more aware of the potential health benefits cannabis-based therapies can provide both humans and their fuzzy loved ones. Cannabis, which includes the molecule CBD, is able to enhance and support arguably the most important and least discussed body system found in nearly every creature within the animal kingdom, called the Endocannabinoid System. Acting as the "master surveillance system," the Endocannabinoid System works in both health and disease to monitor and modulate the rest of the body as it attempts to keep us in a state of balance. However, just like every other system, at times it does need help in fulfilling its role. This is where the knowledge and comfortability with cannabis based therapies gains importance. We're here to help! Our team of vet professional team led by Dr. Zac Pilossoph himself, a global educational leader in cannabis-derived therapies for animals, is prepared to work with pet parents of all different comfort levels to determine if incorporating a cannabis-derived therapy makes sense for your pet, and where to go from there. Discussion points will include conditions that have been found to be cannabis-responsive, product selection guidance, industry buzz word clarification, expected and potential adverse effects, dose range titration, and more. If you are finally ready to become comfortable with the cannabis conversation and incorporate it safely into your pet's life, then this consult is for you!

Contact Details


E-Commerce Headquarters 17 Little Harbor Way, Deerfield Beach, FL, USA

Service Page: Bookings Service Page

Nayked Pet®

(561) 629-9099

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All electronic information provided by Nayked Pet is intended to serve as guidance and advice only. It is not a replacement for veterinary care established and maintained via a legally-binding veterinary-client-patient-relationship. Regardless of interpretation, any and all information discussed and products listed herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any legally-defined medical disease nor are they intended to medically affect the structure or function of the body.

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